Detention of a person in the cinema halls to wear glasses Google Glass

It seems that people accepted for new smart glasses from Google (Google Glass) still needs a long time, where one person was arrested in the cinema in the United States on charges of trying to pirate a movie through Google goggles.

News moved The Gadgeteer site Monday and then confirmed by the interested channel AMC cinema society (Motion Picture Association of America) which defends the rights of those involved in the field of film in the United States, where the US citizen was accompanied by his wife follow the movie (Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit) and was wearing a smart Google goggles with glass for vision correction.

A law enforcement supply pay attention, that person carries smart Google goggles which I think that trying to pirate a movie that still displays in the halls of the cinema is to contact the federal investigation (FBI), which in addition to security issues to issues of piracy information leading to his arrest and interrogation for a full hour.

The man who said that had nothing to do with any piracy and it carries only a trial version of the Google Glass (as it is still not practical and not marketable at the moment), prompting investigators to check for themselves where they didn't find any record within the glasses, the strange thing is that the process of hacking this very tricky as Google Glass battery does not allow photography for more than two hours continuously.

The apology for that person that has been granted four free tickets to enter the lounge cinema and compensation for the incident amusing.

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