Canadian Army uses the game "Call of Duty" to train his soldiers

It seems that the electronic games, particularly strategy games and war has moved beyond its role as a tool for relaxation for a large proportion of teenagers and even older age groups, as a means of military training on the art of modern warfare, at least that's what the Canadian media revealed a few days ago.

Story moved site (Global News) of the Global Television Network "television news Canadian summary statement for the Canadian Army, where he confirmed that Canadian military used electronic war game Call of Duty" "to train Canadian soldiers with the statement that" these games and simulators, especially electronic game (Call of Duty) will play an important role in the training of troops in the coming years. "

But it is certain that these exercises in electronic games will not compensate the Assistant start regular physical exercises, which are essential, but they will try some "scenarios" as it will help carry out (proofs) before real military operations.

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